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Time is non-refundable

I finally found the courage to travel abroad alone.  The fact that I am able to travel and not have to worry about anyone else is a relief. I often found myself caught up in planning holidays but never going due to waiting around for people and then the result ended up us not going at all. I just noticed that it was too much hassle.  Where as going alone , I am able to go at my own paste and take advantage of being away by doing as much as I possibly can in a new country. I just recently booked a solo trip to Palma de Mallorca, and I am so thrilled. This destination was recommended by a friend who also has a desire for travelling the world. 


Going back on my solo trip to Costa Brava and Barcelona, my parents were worried because I was going to be alone but sometimes you just have to do things outside of your comfort zone. I wasn't sure for myself but I just had to take the chances and I am so glad that I did, because I have found my inner self. I have not put myself first for a long time and I honestly forgot how good it felt. 


TIME! There isn't enough of it, I feel like I am fighting against time with what I am limited too. I find myself overworking in terms of managing two part time jobs and university as well finding the time to do what I do best (exploring the world). I have thought about travelling away every weekend but I have  too many work commitments.  I think it's about time I tried to manage one. I am aware that travelling isn't going anywhere but I'm looking to increase the number of destinations that I visit each year. Can you believe it, these last few months have past by way faster than expected. The last couple of months have just been a big eye opener for myself in terms of understanding what I am really trying to aim for


I want to keep up my desire for travelling as I have recently applied to study in Malaysia or Cyprus for the year of 2019. This is a big decision for myself and will definitely be life changing from a cultural aspect to understand how diverse the world really is, I have also completed a returners application for my summer 2019 on returning back to America to work with children with special needs.




                                                                                                  With Love 


                                                                                                    Aimee x 

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